okay. so the other night i flew from NYC to LA. the flight was supposed to leave at 8:45 PM. it left at 12:00 AM. we sat on the plane for 3 hours. but i am not complaining. i was bumped to business. so it was quite comfortable. i was convinced that farah fawcett was on my plane. but, i have to admit (and some of you know i am really terrible at confusing celebs. remember that time karen elson sat next to me on a flight to london 4 years ago and i blew her off?) t wasn't her. just some rich plastic surgery lady talking loudly about brazil. and that woman from miami ink was there too. so it was a pretty glamourous flight.
so they had us get on the plane and then informed us that it would be 2 hours until we were de-iced. like i said, i was fine with this. in addition to being quite comfortable in my business class seat it meant that i didn't have to sit in the waiting area and be confronted by any number of annoying occurrences.
let me runs some possible issues down. the first thing you need to realize: cross country, nyc to la (or vice versa) flights are fucked. they are jammed with despicable people. just the worst examples of any la/nyc cliche you can think of: plastic surgery disasters, self righteous loud talkers, fashion victims, b list celebs. and all these people are card carrying platinum members which means that all of them will spend any given amount of time arguing with the airline personnel about why they should be upgraded. now there were numerous cases of these three particular types but the one i really want to talk about is the fashion victim. normally these types are women. i mean not to diss... it's just that men don't normally care too much. but the other night was special. this guy was the reason i was stoked that i got to sit on the plane for 3 hours rather than stare at him.
i first noticed this guy before they switched our gate. i was on the phone with shayla when i first caught site of this guy and his hat. i am pretty sure i interrupted her to tell her about it. who knows what kind of fucked up fur it was made out of, it literally added at least 6 inches to each side of his head and probably another 10 inches from forehead to the dome of the hat. it looked soft. i tried to get a photo (the photo in the post from the other day, which was also my first siting of the fake farah fawcett) but it was blurry. still on the phone with shayla, lamenting my chance of getting a photo of this dude, i am on the moving walkway heading to the new gate. and i look up and there he is coming right at me from the opposite way. so i stuck my camera in his face and got this one. not too much better.
so we got to the new gate and i sat there and watched this guy, with his giant furry ear flaps running around the terminal for like 40 minutes. i followed him for a bit, out of sheer boredom. he would just walk from one end of the gate are to the other, sometimes venturing about 50 - 100 feet down the terminal. he wasn't on his phone, he wasn't listening to headphones. he was just (almost) running around. it seemed to me like a pretty obvious attention grab. i guess he didn't realize that having a giant dead animal on your head inside a heated building was doing the trick. he also complained (to no avail) about his seat. and when he turned away from the counter everyone snickered.
so it's great. i get to get on the plane. i get to watch him walk past me to the economy section and i get to forget about him for like 8 hours. here's some more shots of him and the hat tho. admittedly, not very good. i should have just not given a fuck and snapped some good ones. had i known what would happen when we got to LA i wouldn't have messed around.
here he is mid pace. not the best shot, but i think it gives you a good idea of just how big this hat actually was in comparison to the rest of his (freakishly) small body.
5 AM at lax. the place is deserted, it's amazingly calm. i get my bags and am waiting under the sign that says "hotel and courtesy shuttles" for my ride to the parking lot. LAX, like most airports in the rest of the world, first, third, what have you, is well signed as to where you should wait for your preferred mode of transportation. as i am waiting i hear someone loudly yell, "taxi!". i turn and see the 30 person deep taxi stand line directly behind me and then further down the terminal there is big hat stepping out of the way of a cab speeding past him towards the cab stand. at this point he steps back on the curb and turns and starts running with his bag. i thought "weird. is the cab stopping for him?" but it wasn't. it was stopped at the head of this line that is now a little longer. so i turn back around and i sort of chuckling to myself about that guy. there is this business woman and another guy also waiting with me. she looked a little like this.
about 5 seconds after i last see big hat all of a sudden he is standing next to me. or rather next to the business woman. he seems rather panicky and without introducing himself or apologizing for his interruption the following happens:
big hat: "WHERE ARE THESE BUSSES GOING" (he points at an avis shuttle)
business woman: "what biusses? what are you talking about?"
bh: "the BUSSES!? where are they going? CAN I GET A BUS TO THE CITY?"
bw: "i don't know what you're talking about. these aren't city busses. see that one says 'Avis'. It's going to Avis. that one says 'Marriot' it's going to the Marriot. do you understand that?"
bh: "ma'am (um big mistake dude. you don't call a 35 year old woman ma'am). i am sorry. i am not from here. i am from NYC. you don't have to be rude to me."
bw: "i wasn't being rude. you are yelling about busses?"
bh: "fine. thank you ma'am. i will figure it out. i am from nyc" (he said that twice.)
then as he's walking away the business lady yells after him
"i don't give a FUCK where you're from. NYC? who the fuck cares! I am from the streets of LA!!(unlikely) I will FUCK you up MOTHER FUCKER."
then she looks at me and says "what a piece of shit! i will fuck that guy up. who cares if you're from NYC? what the fuck? i saw that asshole running around the airport with his stupid giant fur hat on. he was an asshole then and he's an asshole now."
i just sort of chuckled at her.
then she got on the phone with her parking lot and said:
"listen. i've been waiting at LEAST 15 minutes. it's fucking 10 below out here and i don't want to have to call again. get over here."
it's unlikely that either of these people were actually from where they claimed to be. i think that most new yorkers would be bummed if they knew that someone claiming to be from there (arguably, one of the toughest places to live-historically speaking) could not figure out how to navigate the ground transportation operations of one of the top 5 largest airports in their homeland. and i am reasonably sure that most people actually from the streets in LA would fuck that woman up. not the other way around.
people in LA and NYC are fucked up.
it was 5:12 AM.
forgot to mention: bh's gay boots. white jeans. typical.