pooe bristol! poor, poor bristol. there you are living your life up in the middle of nowhere. going to church. shooting moose with mom. and getting it on with boys. and then the next thing you know that geriatric creep you've vaguely seen and heard about calls your mom and asks her to be prepared to lead the free world. and bam, you're married classic, repub, hillbilly shotgun style. 2 weeks ago you coulda had an abortion. now you have a kid and a husband and no future. so much for breaking those 18 million cracks in the highest glass ceiling. now you may as well be living in the middle east, india or creepy Utah for that matter. it's tough having a maverick mom
i feel a little bad about what i wrote earlier. or like maybe i need to clarifiy a little. i know a few girls that got pregnant young and have amazing kids and incredibly fufilled lives. but none of them are with the dude that fathered their baby. i guess what i annoys me is that when mccain or palin use the word "support" i don't buy it. of course it's a family thing but what kind of family, or mom for that matter, encourages a 17 year old girl to get married? and that's my point when i say maybe a couple of weeks ago there would have been a different outcome here, abortion or not. just wondering if this girl is getting married to get her mom elected.
at least the dude won't have to worry about having a pushy mother-in-law to be dictating the wedding plans. unless they wait until she loses.